User Action Required
The notifications types defined below are generated in a variety of circumstances, but each represent a call-to-action by the court or another PACFile-registered user. Unless otherwise specified, these notifications types apply to cases in both the Appellate and Common Pleas courts:
Rejected notifications
The court can, for any number of reasons, opt to reject a filing when it contains a significant defect. During the rejection process, the court records comments that are associated to the notification. These notifications have a Notification Type of Rejected. Clicking the View Notification icon on any of these notifications displays the corresponding comments from the court that describe the reasons for the rejection and the expected resolution. These issues are often corrected by resubmitting the document or submitting a missing document as a Corrected PACFiling.
Filing Accepted, Payment Failed notifications
This notification type appears if a problem occurs with a credit card payment following the court's acceptance of a filing. This is a non-PACFile issue related to the entry of incorrect billing information, the use of an invalid credit card, or insufficient credit based on the card's established limits. While the document has been accepted by the court, payment is still required. These notifications provide the ability to resubmit payment for the outstanding fee without having to redo any part of the PACFile filing wizard.
Filing Accepted, Docket Type Changed notifications
In instances where a new case action is being filed, the submitter may be required to select a docket type for the new case. Occasionally, the court may change this docket type selection if, in their determination, it was chosen in error. After making this decision, the court can correct the error by changing the docket type in their computer system. In PACFile, the Filing Accepted, Docket Type Changed notification informs the submitter that the court has addressed the docket type issue and that one of two actions may need to be taken: (1) the submitter should simply acknowledge that a change has occurred or (2) that the court is missing some additional information that must be supplied before the case continues. Clicking the View Notification icon on any of these notifications displays the corresponding comments from the court that describes the reasons for the change and any action that needs to be taken.
Filing Accepted, Payment Due notifications
There are instances where a filing is submitted to the court where, upon acceptance, a new fee is applied that is greater than the amount authorized by the filer. The most likely scenarios in which this could occur are: (1) A filer selects the wrong filing type for their document and the filing is accepted by the court under the correct name and higher fee or (2) In the Courts of Common Pleas, it is possible to submit a filing that is subject to a variable fee which cannot be determined until it has been reviewed and accepted by the court.
In either of the above situations, no attempt is made to charge the card at acceptance. Instead, these notifications provide the ability to submit payment for the outstanding fee without having to redo any part of the PACFile filing wizard.
Filing Not Submitted notifications
When you save an electronic filing without submitting it to the court, it can be continued through the Saved Filings tab on your Dashboard. When a number appears on this tab, it serves as a reminder that you have the corresponding number of unsubmitted filings. The usefulness of this feature, however, is limited to the periods in which you are logged into PACFile. A Filing Not Submitted notification, therefore, is designed to provide a supplementary reminder that you have an unsubmitted filing and the corresponding e-mail notification delivers this notice even when you are outside of PACFile. This one-time notification type is only sent if 24 hours have elapsed since you last saved an unsubmitted filing. These notices do not require you to take any action and are only designed to remind you that you have an unsubmitted filing that may require your attention.
Case Filing Requested notifications
This notification type applies to the following scenarios:
Docketing Statements - When a new Appeal case has been docketed in the Superior Court, the Appellant (or their counsel) is required to submit a docketing statement that provides more information about the appeal. At the time the court makes this request, and if the responsible individual is PACFile-registered, a Case Filing Requested notification is generated. For the recipient of this notification type, clicking the View Notification icon displays the docket number of the case and the due date of the docketing statement. The Create Filing icon
provides the option to create and file the docketing statement electronically via a systematic shortcut. Using this icon opens an abbreviated version of the Case Filing wizard. The Select Cases and Select Filings screens are removed from the filing process because the required information is already known. The remaining tabs of the wizard are completed normally.
Original Records - When a new Appeal case has been docketed in an Appellate court, a notification may be sent to the lower tribunal in order to request the original record. Technically-capable tribunals that have registered as an organization via PACFile have the ability to receive these requests and submit the original record electronically to the requesting Appellate court. For the recipient of this notification type, clicking the View Notification icon displays the docket number of the case and the due date of the original record. The Create Filing icon
provides the option to create and file the original record via a systematic shortcut. Using this button opens an abbreviated version of the Case Filing wizard. The Select Cases screen, Select Filings screen, Participants tab, and Counsel tab are removed from the filing process because the required information is already known or unnecessary. The remaining tabs of the wizard are completed normally.
Filings Ready for Review
When the individuals within a proxy relationship use the optional filing approval process, it means that one person needs to review and approve the filings created by someone else. When a filing is created, the person performing that action must identify an approving authority on the Payment and Submission page. On this page, the selection of the Request For Approval action displays a list of individuals within the proxy relationship that can approve filings. After selecting one or more of the available approvers and saving the filing, a Filing Ready for Review notification is sent to each of the identified individuals. For the recipient of this notification type, clicking the View Notification icon displays some basic information about the filing and the View icon
provides the option to review it through the filing wizard. The filing details in the wizard are read-only and cannot be edited.
Filings Ready for Submission
When the individuals within a proxy relationship use the optional filing approval process, it means that one person needs to review and approve the filings created by someone else. When a filing has been submitted to an approver for review, and it is determined to be satisfactory, it is possible to send the filing to someone else in the proxy relationship for submission to the court. During the review process, the approver clicks the VERIFY button to access the Payment and Submission page. On this page, the selection of the Request for Submission action displays a list of individuals within the proxy relationship that can submit filings. After selecting one or more of the available submitters and saving the filing, a Filings Ready for Submission notification is sent to each of the individuals identified. For the recipient of this notification type, clicking the View icon opens the filing in the wizard. After clicking the VERIFY button, the filing can be submitted normally.
Filings Returned for Correction
This notification type has one of two meanings, depending on the circumstances:
(1) For Common Pleas cases only, there are instances where a filing you have submitted has been returned by the court for modification. This typically occurs after the court has reviewed the documents associated to a filing and a minor defect was found. The filing has not been accepted, but the court is encouraging you to correct the existing document and resubmit. The filing does not need to be recreated from scratch. Clicking the View Notification icon on any of these notifications displays the corresponding comments from the court and the View icon
provides the option to access the filing through the wizard and make the necessary changes.
(2) When the individuals within a proxy relationship use the optional filing approval process, it means that one person needs to review and approve the filings created by someone else. When a filing has been submitted to an approver for review, and a problem has been found, it is possible to return the filing, unapproved, for modification. After reviewing the filing, the approver clicks the VERIFY button to access the Payment and Submission page. On this page, select the Return For Correction action and enter comments in the Notes field that can be used to explain the required changes. After saving the filing, a Filings Returned for Correction notification is sent to the individual who created the submission. For the recipient of this notification type, clicking the View Notification icon displays some basic information about the filing and the comments supplied by the approver. The View icon
provides the option to review the filing through the wizard and make any necessary changes.
Calendar Access Request Approved (Common Pleas only)
The ability to view a court calendar through the Calendar screen is only available upon request. These requests are initiated through the Calendar screen via the Manage Calendar Access icon . After a request is submitted, it is reviewed by the court. A Calendar Access Request Approved notification is sent to an individual when the court has granted their request to view a calendar.
Calendar Access Request Denied (Common Pleas only)
The ability to view a court calendar through the Calendar screen is only available upon request. These requests are initiated through the Calendar screen via the Manage Calendar Access icon . After a request is submitted, it is reviewed by the court. A Calendar Access Request Denied notification is sent to an individual when the court has rejected their request to view a calendar.
Calendar Access Request Pending (Common Pleas only)
The ability to view a court calendar through the Calendar screen is only available upon request. These requests are initiated through the Calendar screen via the Manage Calendar Access icon . A Calendar Access Request Pending notification is sent to an individual to confirm that their calendar request was submitted successfully to the court. These notifications are not indicative of the court's response.
Calendar Access Request Revoked (Common Pleas only)
The ability to view a court calendar through the Calendar screen is only available upon request. If an individual's request has been approved, the court reserves the right to revoke access at any time. A Calendar Access Request Revoked notification is sent to an individual when the court has rescinded access to a specific court calendar that they could previously view.